
Your HR and Payroll System Made Simple

EES Workforce is a modular HR and Payroll System for Philippine SMEs.
It provides HR Professionals a platform to easily store employee information,
process payroll computations, and a digital environment for
employee engagement and assessment.

Your HR and Payroll System Made Simple

Doing Manual HR and Payroll Can Be Stressful.
Empower Your HR Team. Embrace Success.

Keep Employee Information Up-to-Date

Organize your HR and Payroll Files and digitalize all your records. De-clutter from old and paper-based records.

Go to HR Management

Disburse Payroll On-Time and Precise

Disburse your employee's payroll and loans accurately including their pay-slips without the hassle.

Go to Payroll

Time is Valuable so Don't Waste Yours.

Seamlessly track your employee's time and match it with their working hours.

Go to Time Management

Create Reports Whenever Your Need It.

Generate your HR and Payroll reports easily and in an instant

Go to Reports.

Flexible and Customizable HR and Payroll System

Create an HR and Payroll system that matches your HR processes. EES Workforce is a scalable and customizable HR and Payroll Solution.

Go to Integration

Book a Demo

EES Workforce - HR and Payroll System: D3 Deployment Plan

Manage Your Workforce with Less Work In Just 30 Days.


Tell Us Your HR and Payroll Process.



We'll Setup EES Workforce Base On Your Workflow



Our Team will Guide You In Your HR and Payroll Digital Transformation

Book a Demo Today!
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HR Management

  • Master Files - Create and update your employee 201 files, departments, employment type, teams, and other necessary information you need to manage your workforce. It can also be paralleled to your existing employee information sheet you are using in your company.
  • Access & User Management: Create user access to your employees and easily assign features that are for employees use.
  • Employee Self Service: Send announcements, payslips, and other relevant information to your employees inside EES Workforce. Employees can also file their Leaves, Over-times, and Official Business Filings and have them approved all within EES Workforce.
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HR and Payroll System for Philippines. Adaptable to the World.

  • Pay Elements: Easily create your working hours in a day, working days in a week, working weeks in a year including holidays. Update it anytime.
  • Pay Groups: Assign your employees their appropriate pay groups and their pay cycle whether it's daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.
  • Pay Rates: Create, update, and manage anytime your pay rates from regular days, rest days, regular holidays, etc.
  • Payroll Adjustments: From commission, retroactive payouts, allowances, retirement pay, etc.
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Time Management

  • Shift Schedules: Create shifts and assign each shifts start, end, and break time.
  • Shift Adjustments: Accomodate sudden changes in hours, shifts, or days off, ensuring accurate compensation and attendance records.
  • Holiday Settings: Easily set holiday settings and choose the applicable pay rate for each holiday.
  • Leave, Overtime, and Official Business: Provide access to your employees and managers so they can file their leaves, official business, and over-time without the hassle.
  • Time Sheet: Easily check on how the system analyzes the daily time record of your employees base on Regular Working Hours, Over-time, Rest day, etc.

Your HR and Payroll Reports Within Seconds

HR and Payroll System That is Easy to Deploy as They Are to Use

Biometric Integration

We'll assess the capabilities of your biometrics and integrate it to our system for seamless insertion of daily time records of employees and live feed of information from the dashboard.

Bank Payroll Report Generator

Easily export your payroll register and upload it to your online banking portal seamlessly.

Data Migration

We'll help you input your employee master-list, leave balances, and other information to EES Workforce making it ready to use upon activation.


EES Workforce offers a high level of customization, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs. This ensures seamless integration of company policies and workflows while delivering a personalized experience for efficient workforce management

Create an HR and Payroll System That Is Precise

Enhance and Build Your HR and Payroll System as Your Business Expands

Download the EES Mobile App Now!

You can now access your Employee Self Service Portal with our EES Mobile App! Create filings, Clock-In/Out, Check your payslip, and MORE!

Google Playstore Apple App Store

Customize it EVEN MORE!

We continue to scale our applications with tons of features that can help you have a seamless experience.

AI Chatbot For Recruitment

Designed to engage with candidates on popular social media platforms, our chatbot provides instant responses to inquiries, schedules interviews, and even conducts preliminary assessments.

Mobile App

Allow your employees to Time-In/Out, File for Leaves, Generate Payslips, and more all through the EES Workforce Mobile App. Available soon for iOS and Android!

Applicant Tracking

(Coming Soon)
Digitalize your recruitment process and easily track your applicants and their status seamlessly.

Performance Evaluation

(Coming Soon)
With Data Analytics, asses your employees performance and accurately measure their key performance indicator.

EES Workforce: HR and Payroll System. Book a Demo Today.

Book a Demo Check Out EES ERP System